Monday, July 25, 2011

Population problem in Nepal

       Population is always flux. Every day some babies are born and some die. In the context of Nepal, population is increasing day by day. The density of population in urban areas is higher than in rural regions. Nepal is developing country. More than 50% of the people are illiterate. They are not fully aware of adverse effect of over population. Illiteracy is one of the major causes of over population in Nepal. The people who are conservative want to accept as many children as they are naturally born. They think that god gives them their children, and if they try to stop giving birth to their babies, god will be happy with them. Most of the people are poor in Nepal. They feel that more hands in a family mean more income in future. Especially farmers and laborers want to give birth to many babies. They hope that their children can help them in their fields.

More people mean more problems. Growing population clears the jungle for agriculture and settlement then population gets increased. Theft and robbery can take place in the society. Most of the people have to suffer from unemployment.

We can control population growth in some ways. Firstly we have to educate people because educated people do not want to give birth to many babies. The means of family planning should be providedadequately all over the country.

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