Forest is very important to us. It is said that to preserve the forest is to preserve ourselves. Unfortunately, our forest is being rapidly destroyed. There are various factors which invites the deforestation. Over population proves to be prime factor of it. People clear the jungle for agriculture and settlement. They also cut down the tress for firewood, building materials, and furniture. The cattle grazers take their domestic animals to the jungle to graze. By the result new trees could not grows easily. Some silly people set a fire in a jungle. Some smugglers cut down the tress and sell the timbers illegally.
Forest destruction causes many natural disasters such as flood, drought, landslides, soil erosion, pollution, green house effect, ozone layer depletion and desertification. Wild animals cannot survive if the jungle, the habitat, of them is destroyed. They automatically destroy. The jungle can be preserved through the apt implementation of measures required. Firstly, we have to educate the people and teach them the significance and the necessity of the forest. By means of afforestation and reforestation, we can preserve the jungle. Forest destruction should be controlled at any cost. Preservation is better than cure. Everyone is responsible to preserve the jungle. We must realize that preservation of forest is our preservation because deforestation spreads massive black clouds over our fate.
Hello rising disaster. You will be interested in this documentary called Timber to Tibet. Have you seen it? It is about tree cutting and timber smuggling in the Manaslu region.