Monday, July 25, 2011


We are living in the era of 21st century and we people cannot escape from the evils and problems. Where there is human civilization there is presence of problem. There is chaos, disharmony, killing everywhere present in our society. People are being selfish, one don’t care for another. They are digging their own grave. They don’t bear mankind. Not only in the context of Nepal but every country today are facing various problems. There is war among the countries, disputes among different religion; some are suffering from poverty, famines, unemployment, etc. Some of the major problem raising problem of Nepal are: drug addiction, corruption, girl trafficking, unemployment, road accident, raising prices, etc……

Population problem in Nepal

       Population is always flux. Every day some babies are born and some die. In the context of Nepal, population is increasing day by day. The density of population in urban areas is higher than in rural regions. Nepal is developing country. More than 50% of the people are illiterate. They are not fully aware of adverse effect of over population. Illiteracy is one of the major causes of over population in Nepal. The people who are conservative want to accept as many children as they are naturally born. They think that god gives them their children, and if they try to stop giving birth to their babies, god will be happy with them. Most of the people are poor in Nepal. They feel that more hands in a family mean more income in future. Especially farmers and laborers want to give birth to many babies. They hope that their children can help them in their fields.

More people mean more problems. Growing population clears the jungle for agriculture and settlement then population gets increased. Theft and robbery can take place in the society. Most of the people have to suffer from unemployment.

We can control population growth in some ways. Firstly we have to educate people because educated people do not want to give birth to many babies. The means of family planning should be providedadequately all over the country.

Road accidents

      Road accidents are very common. We can hear and see many road accidents. Road accidents ultimately result human casualties and property loss. Many passengers are killed on the spot while others get badly injured and are ultimately compelled to be handicapped or weaker. We can see that many vehicles get completely damaged in the accidents. The main causes of the road accidents are carelessness of the driver, construction, and location of the road, failures of the engine, violation of the traffic rules, heavy speed, and weather condition and so on. Most of the road accidents are resulted because of the carelessness of the drivers. We can minimize the number of road accidents by implementing some measures. Firstly, the people concerned should be well-informed of the traffic rules. The risky roads have to be rebuilt and maintained properly. The legal provisions of speed control may reduce the gravity and frequency of the road accidents. It is said that over-confidence and lack of apt experience call many road accidents; that’s why each driver is expected to be only confident, but not over confident.


      Untouchability has stigmatized our identification and dignity. Untouchability has been practiced in our society for a long time. Untouchability is deeply rooted to the human snobbery. Because of egoism of the rich, they gradually started calling the poor ‘untouchable’. They become poorer and poorer. The poor could not raise their voice for their rights.

Untouchability may invite some social disasters which results failure and destruction. The oppressed may start destructive struggles against the social structure; and it ultimately invites hatred, hostility, betrayal, brutality, and so on among the people. The practice of untouchability should be removed at any cost. In order to remove it, all the people should be educated to raise the awareness of them. In order to raise socio-economic status of the untouchable particular of the programmers should be implemented. Apt of slogan ‘equality in opportunity’ certainly removes the existing disparity between the touchable and untouchable. The most powerful weapon to uproot it is education.

Deforestation in Nepal

Forest is very important to us. It is said that to preserve the forest is to preserve ourselves. Unfortunately, our forest is being rapidly destroyed. There are various factors which invites the deforestation. Over population proves to be prime factor of it. People clear the jungle for agriculture and settlement. They also cut down the tress for firewood, building materials, and furniture. The cattle grazers take their domestic animals to the jungle to graze. By the result new trees could not grows easily. Some silly people set a fire in a jungle. Some smugglers cut down the tress and sell the timbers illegally.

Forest destruction causes many natural disasters such as flood, drought, landslides, soil erosion, pollution, green house effect, ozone layer depletion and desertification. Wild animals cannot survive if the jungle, the habitat, of them is destroyed. They automatically destroy. The jungle can be preserved through the apt implementation of measures required. Firstly, we have to educate the people and teach them the significance and the necessity of the forest. By means of afforestation and reforestation, we can preserve the jungle. Forest destruction should be controlled at any cost. Preservation is better than cure. Everyone is responsible to preserve the jungle. We must realize that preservation of forest is our preservation because deforestation spreads massive black clouds over our fate.

Problem of rising prices in Nepal

        Rising of prices have strangled the acceleration of development. It has emerged as the burning challenge. There are some causes of rising prices. According to economist, growing economy of the world has given rise to the prices of the goods, but the purchasing capacity of the average people in Nepal is not rising. Similarly, rapidly growing population, corruption and scarcity of the goods are other causes of rising of prices. High demand certainly increases the prices of goods. Thus, the main causes of rising prices are growing economy of the world, imports, over population growth, corruption, scarcity of goods and high demands.

The poor are victimized by rising prices of goods. The rich can afford anything. They pay the workers handsomely. The economy of the country certainly gets affected adversely if rising of prices goes up rapidly. The government should control the prices of goods by opening more factories and fixed rate stores. Fixed rate stores automatically control the goods getting expensive.

Girls trafficking in Nepal

   Girl trafficking is literally defined as the buying & selling girls illegally. It has been spread rapidly in the remote areas where people are uneducated, ignorant & poor. Girls trafficking in Nepal seem to be the challenging problem in Nepal. They lure the people in many ways. They go to the remote areas pretending to be social workers, teachers, officials etc. they try to influence the illiterate people. Some girl traffickers lure the girls by pretending that they will provide good jobs in India. Then they take the girls to India & sell them for prostitution. The innocent are compelled to accept it.

Girls trafficking are primarily attributed to ignorance, lack of public awareness, illiteracy, poverty, unemployment, etc. girls trafficking in Nepal has stigmatized our dignity. Nowadays, a fatal disease AIDS has been spread because of girls trafficking. Girls trafficking results the entire violation of the human rights. It can be uprooted by making people conscious. Furthermore, girls trafficking should be sentenced life imprisonment or the capital punishment by law.

Corruption in Nepal

     Corruption refers to the illegal bribe which is given to someone for doing something. It is punishable crime. Corruption refers to the matter of illegality, negligence, lack of sincerity and honesty. In Nepal, mostly, mostly government officials and leaders are found to have been involve in corruption.

There are some factors which are responsible for promoting corruption. They are extreme greed to earn money, selfishness, lack of honesty and absence of moral values. The officials and the leaders who don’t realize their duties and responsibilities are likely to involve in the practices of corruption. The condition of corruption in Nepal has demoralized the dignity and prestige of nation. If the people are corrupt, development paces very slowly. The corrupt people become very rich illegally overnight.

In order to uproot the existing corruption, the corrupt should be legally punished by the state. All the corrupt people are to be fired from their positions. It should be publicized through mediassuch as T.V.s and newspapers.


     If the people do not get apt job to be employed, it is called the problem of unemployment. Nowadays this burning problem has emerged as a complex challenge in Nepal. Many people are unemployed in Nepal. The number of them has been accelerating swiftly. Therefore, it proves to be gracious problem in Nepal. There are many causes of unemployment. Firstly, many people are employed in agriculture but nowadays the trend of leaving agriculture is increasing. People feel that agriculture is not economically beneficial. Secondly, some educated people are extremely traditional. They feel that educated people should not start simple jobs. Thirdly, job opportunities in Nepal are very limited because of limited industries and factories.

The problem of unemployment invites many problems and social disasters. If people do not get anything to live on, they are likely to involve in crimes, robbery and theft. The pace of development gets slower because unemployed people cannot educate their children. By the result, the future of them can be lead to misery and ruins.

In order to solve the problem of unemployment, the opportunities and facilities of technical education should be decentralized. Government should encourage people to establish cottage industries. And the development of rural areas certainly alleviates the problem of unemployment.


      Drug addiction now has become the culture and trend among the youth and teenagers. Drug addiction refers to the habit of taking substances that affects our nervous system. Some of the popular drugs are brown sugar, heroin, cocaine, etc.

Nowadays especially the youth boys of the high school and HSS are found to have been drug addict. They are badly intoxicated in drugs. The children’s are lured by adults and they start smoking and smoking leads to the drug addiction. Some people become so much pessimistic that they become so much hopeless and fed up with their life and start to enjoy their life taking the drug.

The drug addicts are affected by instability, irritation, fatigue, infertility, and fatal disease like HIV AIDS. They become murderer for the sake of money to buy drugs.

Drug addiction now has become the serious social problem. So each individuals, parents, society, schools and colleges should be responsible to solve it.